Climbing To New Heights To Solve Addiction
Healthy Lifestyles for Lasting Results

Recovery Beyond is taking an innovative approach to solving the issues around addiction. By augmenting traditional treatment programs with a physical journey culminating in a climb of Mount Rainier, the program is achieving success rates well over 90%. We’ve had the esteemed pleasure to work with this organization from the beginning and we’re thrilled to be a part of their recent rebrand and business model shift to expand their reach and help more people struggling with addiction.
From brand development to a new website, collateral design to marketing execution, we’re supporting every facet of the organizations effort to get the word out and tell their inspiring story.
Visit Recovery Beyond’s WebsiteLogo Design & Branding

On-Boarding Platform
One of the key strengths of the organization is the volunteer-driven mission. As a result, the staff of 2 engaged in a tremendous amount of paperwork and manual processes to onboard hundreds of volutneers and dozens of program participants. The Cora+Krist team created a solution that streamlined these onboarding processes and automated many aspects to drive efficiencies and free up valuable time on the part of the internal team.
The platform is surprisingly simple, yet highly effective for the needs of Recovery Beyond. It leverages a series of contact forms that are connected to shareable spreadsheets on SmartSheet leveraging “zaps” from Zapier.
Stationary Design and Collateral